The moral of creating things that matter

There are quite a lot of stories about successful founders that turned an amazing idea into global companies. Apple, Microsoft, and Google just to name a few of the greatest examples.
I remember the awesome advertisements of BMW or Porsche as a child while watching TV. That time is long over and not just because I'm an adult now, but also the advertisements and type of companies changed that are advertised nowadays.
It seems like with the rise of the internet there isn't any skill required to earn some extra money or start the own entrepreneur career. Drop-shipping, pyramid schemed practices, course selling or influencer. Anybody can become anything.
Parts of social media portray that any good-looking woman that doesn't do OnlyFans is lacking behind her potential to become rich. People with some knowledge of AI are idiots when they don't automate Reels and Shorts into money printing machines. Moral lacking extrovert men seem to be born to be the perfect motivational coach that sells an overpriced book no one needs.
While this might be true in the core and some people earn a big ton of money this isn't the core of this article. Not everyone can become rich, as this would just increase the overall wealth which basically means no one is rich again.
But even if not everyone can get rich, why can't I be a lucky person and just try?
You can. That's the amazing thing. You can create anything from your bedroom with just a few clicks. You can start selling feet picture online or do sexual content on YouTube. Start a fake drop-shipping company with weird marketing on YouTube or just lie to people instead and make them buy your courses. The feedback on those people's social media is usually negative, but do we really think they care? Do you think the founder of OnlyFans really cares that his platform is 99% erotic? Do you think he wakes up with a bad feeling each morning or doesn't want to accept the millions he made?
Obviously not. Just take a good look at modern social media. Shitstorms are not made to life forever and are forgotten in a few weeks. It's even a trend to use negative publicity as a positive marketing stunt. Just because it's proven that no one is “hated” forever.
As a computer scientist with experience in app- and backend development I have the perfect tools to create my own application, and so I did. You're wondering how many millions I made by it? Nothing. I'm even paying to keep the server running. I didn't create yet another dating app or addictive mobile game. I create an application for my local sports club.
Quite a lot of people share this motivation. The moral of things that matter. It makes people work in underpaid jobs in the health industry or invest their life savings into their own art or music career without ever the chance of being successful. You might be one of those people that wakes up and looks for harmony in his work and moral. Maybe you don't want to scam people for their hard-earned money or sell your body on a website.
Welcome to the 99% of people that help make this world a better place. You might not become the next millionaire, but you're for sure going to make your family and friends proud and have the morals of creating things that matter.
And most importantly. If you ever want to change. The internet is one click away.