The blame of immaturity on politics

The benefit of living a little outside Munich are walks in the nature right in front of the door. The small river that flows through the city is home to a ducklings' family that just got its baby chicks. These fluffy little squeaking ducks are not just cute, but also endangered by dogs without a leash and parents that don't know boundaries. By far the majority of people are respectful and cautious to not cause any harm, but as we know from various scenarios throughout history only one's person's immaturity is required to cause lots of trouble.
A father, mother, and toddler went to sit next to me and started throwing white, soft bread into the pond.
When we know something strangers don't, and we want to educate them without hurting their feelings or making them feel dumb. It's all about the message.
Does: “Can I give you a tip? It's better not to feed the ducks white bread as they don't tolerate it well and can get sick from it.”
Don't's: How do you not know to not feed ducks that? Are you fu**** …
A logical response you would expect is:
- Oh, I didn't know!
- Why?
- ignoring
How about the answer (from memory protocol):
“ This is normal white bread, it can't cause any harm, because I've been doing this for years and as a child and nothing ever happened. It's the politics they changed, they don't want us to do that” (Continues throwing more bread into the pond).
I'm not bothered that people use their experience from the past to argue something or build simple logical arguments normal white bread → can't cause harm. In the end a stranger tries to educate you, and you are not prepared on how to react, and maybe it's not your daily job to argue.
I'm bothered that perspective and politics is used as an argument to not want to educate yourself. Any answer from the list above, even ignoring would be more suitable than trying to turn the talk into something the government controls.
If you're someone out there who usually does the same and your “opponent” after that sentence doesn't answer you it's not because you won the argument. He just probably thinks that you're not worth the investment and are the 1% of people who are immature and will stay like that.
It's not politics that make an argument true or false and education doesn't end after leaving school. If you don't have the courage to ask questions then at least listen to people that want to see the baby ducklings in future weeks again.
This isn't just about feeding ducks, but just imagine this at larger scale. Scary isn't it …